Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 Theme Word

I have chosen "awareness" as the word I would like to immolate throughout the year of 2012. The defintion of the word "awareness," from a dictonary's perspective means, "having knowledge or realization; conscious." In other terms, knowing and taking in everything that happens around us.

Sometimes life an get so full and busy that our only thoughts and worries are self-centered. It is very easy to get caught up in ourselves and everyone does to a certain extent throughout their lives. My goal is to put aside my selfishness and beome totally aware of my surroundings. I want to encounter people that have gone to the same school as me for that past 8 years, and know more about them than simply their first name.

Some people struggle in life more than I can even imagine. I would love to stop focusing on myself and for once acknowledge the people that I pass in the halls daily. Ever since I can remember I have had the same group of friends, which is great don't get me wrong, but I have had a call to go beyond and invite people "in." Not that I would just ditch my friends and find new ones, but that I would beome more willing to see someone in need of a friend, open up, and invite them in.

Considering that my years of high school are coming to a closing, I want to leave without regret. I want to leave with the repetation of being loving and caring. I want to make the most of my high school years and always look back on them with a smile.


  1. I believe that everyone should have the same outlook as you have. Many people don't realize are about others not having friends and I wish more would make an attempt to help those feel accepted like you have set out to do!

  2. Thanks Jamey! I guess its just something I have wanted to do for a while, but still I have a hard time working up the guts to actually do it. haha! I'm glad you feel the same way, and I'm not alone.
