Sunday, May 20, 2012

Survival and I.

When asked to write about what extent I would go to ensure my own survival, I was uncertain. If the time came, I believe I would do anything and everything possible to make sure I survive, depending on the situation. Life is so precious, and I believe God intended life to be lived to the fullest. It seems crazy to think about now considering I am in the comfort of my home, but what if something out of the ordinary happened to me? What extent would I really endure to make sure I survive? You see television shows on "Survivor Stories," and no matter the predicament or what the cost must be, these people would literally fight til their death. Fortunately, for them they were able to make it out alive, and were able to share their stories for others to be inspired by. I have once again been reminded of how blessed I am. To have a home, a supportive family, and a free country in which I am able to live my life to the fullest. Some aren't so lucky. Many have to figure out how to survive every single day, and I can not imagine what that must be like. I am so thankful and now reassured of how blessed I actually am.

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